The technology of air conditioning

An air conditioner is invaluable equipment for every home in summer. In the recent times, most households have adopted the technology of cooling their houses when temperatures are high. This technology is represented by the following solutions: cool roof coating, cool paints, ventilating and air conditioning. Though, cool roofs Los Angeles are very popular, the air conditioning is at the center of this comfort as evidence from researches indicates that over 80 percent of homes have installed air conditioners. So, how does air conditioning manages to regulate interior temperatures of houses when it is extremely hot out there?

The technology behind the magic of the air conditioning is a chemical called refrigerant loop that utilizes the remarkable law of phase conversion. According to this law, a liquid absorbs heat when it changes into a gas through phase conversion. Air conditioners use this feature by causing special compounds to evaporate and condense in a continuous process. The process follows a cycle where once the refrigerant evaporates, it moves outside the house where it cools and casts the heat away. It re-enters the house and starts the cycle. This takes place in an enclosed system of coils called loops.

What are the components of an air conditioning and how do they work?

The system of an air conditioning consists of four basic parts. These are: an evaporator, a condenser, a compressor and an expansive device. An evaporator is usually in the inside of the house and it provides the platform where the refrigerant evaporates. It is equipped with fans that blow wind across the coils. The wind enhances evaporation of the refrigerant.

The air from the interior of the house moves across the evaporator, allowing the refrigerant in the coils to absorb its heat. Once it absorbs the heat from the air, the refrigerant which is in liquid state changes into vapor.

The refrigerant which is in vapor form passes through the compressor situated in the air conditioning unit outside but near the house. The vaporized refrigerant is compressed to attain higher temperatures and pressure.

The compressed vapor flows to the condenser’s third component. The refrigerant is condensed back to liquid form while the heat is also radiated away. Outdoor units of the air conditioner are fitted with metallic fins to enhance quick dissipation of heat.

The liquid that has been cooled returns to the inner part of the house. Expansion device regulates how the refrigerant flows into the evaporator. The process begins all over again.

How moisture is trapped

Besides cooling the air, air conditioning also traps humidity. According to researches, the available moisture in the air affects how the body detects heat. The higher the moisture, the warmer it feels. The reason behind this is that humidity lowers the rate at which sweat evaporates from the skin. This causes the skin to retain more heat. Air conditioners increase the comfort of a home by de-humidifying the immediate environment. As the air moves through the evaporator, it absorbs the heat as well as the moisture releasing air that is not only cool but also dry. The leached water is allowed to drain out of the refrigerating unit outside the house.